
Project details

The sound of high heels echoes down the cobbled streets of Porta Maggiore at night. In the midst of the city chaos, the sound leads towards what was once considered a slum area: the Pigneto quarter. A door opens as people crowd around the entrance of a small club: the Tangobar, the first club in Italy to be entirely dedicated to this seductive dance. It’s years now that the notes of Piazzolla have been bringing a glimmer to the eyes of the dancers and a shimmer to their bodies. Every Sunday, Rome seems to turn into a mini Buenos Aires. Eliana and Alì, a couple who have found in the tango a meaning to life , tell the story of this passionate dance in Italy accompanied by the music of the Roma OrquestaTango. By way of this small orchestra’s music and Eliana and Ali’s commentary, this documentary will trace the lives of the emigrants and immigrants all part of a community who, in finding each other, have been able to bring back to Italy something that was actually born in Italy.

  • Duration: 25′
  • Series: Sguardi dall’ Italia
  • Episode: 3
  • Direction: Francesca Casali
  • Languages: Italian/English
  • Production Company: San Polo Produzioni
  • Year of Production: 2011
  • Format: HD 1920×1080 PAL
  • Ownership of Rights: PandatariaFilm srl

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