Project details
The village of Collodi, a suburb of Pescia in the province of Pistoia in Tuscany, is a beautiful mixture of arts, culture and landscape. Collodi is Pinocchio’s hometown, and there is a park dedicated to him here. This Tuscan village is also the birthplace of Carlo Lorenzini’s mother. Lorenzini used to come here to visit his mother’s family both as a child and when he was a man. The flow of the centuries hasn’t changed the old village at all: a scattering of houses reaching down to just behind Villa Garzoni, that still appears to our eyes as it must have done to the author’s in the 19th century. The extraordinary creativity involved in the writing of Pinocchio, the Baroque generosity of Villa Garzoni and its garden, the medieval streets of the ancient village, together with the work of some great sculptors and architects, provide an opportunity for some wonderful visual associations that recall periods of history, literature and scenery. .
- Duration: 25′
- Series: Sguardi dall’ Italia
- Episode: 7
- Direction: Andrea Quero – Eugenio Catalani
- Languages: Italian/English
- Production Company: San Polo Produzioni
- Year of Production: 2012
- Format: HD 1920×1080 PAL
- Ownership of Rights: PandatariaFilm srl
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